Friday, 30 June 2017

Java interview questions on programming

1. Write a program to print even no.
2. Write a program to print odd no.
3. Write a program for infinite "for" loop.
4. Write a program to print the numbers from 1-10
5. Write a program to print the numbers from 10-1.
6. Write a program to find the Factorial of a number.
7. Write a program to check whether a given number is Prime or not.
8. Write a program to reverse a given String using toCharArray().
9. Write a program to reverse a given String using charAt().
10. Write a program to reverse a sentence.
11. Write a program to Reverse a number.
12.  Write a program to check whether a given String is palindrome or not.
13.  Write a program to swap 2 numbers  using 3rd variable.
14.  Write a program to swap 2 numbers without using 3rd variable.
15. Write a program to swap 2 Strings.
16. Write a program to swap 2 Strings without using 3rd String. 
17. Write a program to convert decimal to binary.
18. Write a program to convert binary to decimal.
19. Write a program to check a given number consists of only 1’s and 0’s.  (or) Write a program to print binary number or not.
20. Write a program to check given number is Hexa-Decimal or not.
21. Write a program to check given number is Arm-Strong number or not.
22. Write a program to find Sum of cubes of each digit in given number.
23. Write a program to find the given number is Strong number or not. (Strong numbers are the numbers whose sum of factorial of digits is equal to the original number. )
24. Write a program to find the sum of the factorial of digits of given number. (Find the factorial of each number and calculate the sum of those numbers)
25. Write a program to find the sum of digits of a given number.
26. Write a program to count how many vowels are present in given String.
27. Write a program to print 1-20 without using for loop.
28. Write a program to print A-Z.

29. Write a program to find the factorial of given number without using for loop.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Agile Resume Points

  1. Worked in Agile Scrum Module.
  2. Actively involved in Sprint Planning Meeting.
  3. Participated in Daily Standup Meeting.
  4. Involved in Sprint and Release Retrospect Meeting.

ALM Exp Resume Points..

  1. Extensively worked on test management tool ALM
  2. Expertise in writing test cases and execution of test cases in ALM.
  3. Proficient in logging and tracking of defects using ALM.
  4. Prepared Requirement traceability matrix using ALM.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

To display nth record from the table

To display nth record from the table:
WHERE  rowid = (SELECT rowid FROM emp
                              WHERE  rownum <= &n
                              SELECT rowid FROM emp

                              WHERE  rownum < &n);

select * from (select rownum as n_num,e.* from emp e) d where d.n_num=2

Select LAST n records from a table

Select LAST n records from a table
select * from emp minus select * from emp where rownum <= (select count(*) - &n from emp);

Interview Questions on Functions

You can solve the below question using like operator or  by using functions
  1. Display all the employees whose name does not start with ‘S’
  2. Display all the employees whose name is start and end with ‘A’
  3. Display all the clerks and analyst whose name is ‘TH’
  4. Display all the employees whose name last but one character is ‘R’
  5. List all the employees name is having a character ‘IN’
  6. List all the employees whose job is having a string ‘ER’
  7. Display all the employees joined on DEC
  8. Display all the employees whose department number start with 3
  9. Display all the employees whose name is having exactly 5 character and their empno end with 88
  10. List all the employees whose name has sting ‘DAMS’