Friday 24 February 2023

Test Test Cases For Application:

Test Cases For Password Field

Test Cases For Password Field

  • Check if the user can enter the password in the text box.
  • Check if the user can paste the password in the field.
  • Check the max char limit for the password fields.
  • Check the min char limit for the password fields.
  • Check if the entered password is visible or encrypted.
  • Check if the password field allows blank spaces only.
  • Check if the password field accepts alphabets.
  • Check if the password field accepts numbers.
  • Check if the password field accepts the lowercase and uppercase alphabets.
  • Check if the password field accepts special characters.
  • Check error message is displayed or not when the user clicks the submit button without entering any value in the password field. (Field is mandatory)
  • Check based on the inputted password text; it should display the progress bar. (Weak, Medium & Strong)
  • Check if the password view functionality is available so the user can see the entered password. (Eye visible on the right side of the password text box)
  • Check on the Click eye icon entered password should be visible in a readable format.
  • Check the asterisk symbol for the password field if it is mandatory.

Password Test Case Encryption

Almost every secure web app needs to have an encryption system. You should discuss the following scenarios while setting the requirement for the password field.

  • Check if the system allows users to do md5 hashing.
  • Check if the system does any form of encryption.
  • Check if the system stores the password in plain text.
  • Check if the system masks the password while typing.
  • Check if the password stored in the database is encrypted.
  • Check if the encryption is easy to decrypt using known tools.
  • Test Cases for password and Confirm password
  • Verify the password and confirm the password by entering the same value.
  • Verify that when the user enters a confirm password it does not match the password
  • Check that when the user enters the password it does not match to confirm the password.
  • Check that when the user enters an only password and leaves the confirm password field blank.
  • Check that the alert message shows or not when the user enters confirms a password which does not match to password.
  • Check that the alert message shows or not when the user leaves the confirm password blank.

Test Cases for List Box- How to Test List?

List box : 
Type of list Box
There are four types of List box
Single Select List box
Multi-Select List Box
Multi-select List box with checkbox
Multi select list with checkbox and search box
Multiselect, dual listboxes
Single Select List box
Users can select only one value from the single select listbox .it can be static and scrollable .

Multi Select List Box
Users can select or deselect one or more items by holding down the Shift, Command, or Control key while clicking on can be static and scrollable.

Multi select List box with checkbox
Users can select or deselect one or more items from the list box by selecting or deselecting Checkbox. It can be static and scrollable

Multi-select list with check box and search box
Users can select or deselect one or more items from the list box by selecting or deselecting Checkbox. And also users can search the item from the list box and select. It can be static and scrollable .

Multiselect, dual list boxes
A multi-select, dual list box allows users to make selections by moving items from one Listbox to another. Users can also reorder the options by moving them up and down in the list.

Test Cases for Single Select List box
  • First Verify that dropdown is enabled or not.
  • Check that the user is able to select the value from the listbox.
  • Check that when the user tries to select the multiple values from the list.
  • Check that list box showing value as per CRS.
  • Check that the user is able to unselect the selected value from the Listbox.
  • Check whether the value gets changed or not when the user unselects the selected value and selects another value from the list.
  • Check the Number of items displayed in the list without scroll.
  • Check that when the user tries to select the multiple values from the list.
  • check the color when the user hover the mouse on value .
  • Check the cursor pointer when the user hovers on value.
  • Check the font, size , spelling, design etc. 
  • if Scroll is there-
  • Check that the user is able to scroll the list through the mouse.
  • Verify that the user is able to scroll through the arrow key .
  • Check that the user is able to select the value from the list after scrolling .
  • Verify that list gets scrolled automatically when the user presses any key from the keyboard .
Test Cases for Multiselect List Box
  • First Verify that dropdown is enabled or not.
  • Check that the user is able to select the value from the listbox.
  • Verify that when the user selects the single value from the list.
  • Check that when the user selects the multiple values from the list.
  • Check that when the user selects or deselect one or more items by holding down the Shift, Command, or Control key while clicking on items.
  • Check that listbox showing value as per CRS.
  • Check that the user is able to unselect the selected value from the listbox.
  • Check that value is getting changed or not when the user unselect the selected value and select another value from the list .
  • Check the Number of items displayed in the list without scroll.
  • Check that when the user tries to select the multiple values from the list.
  • check the color when the user hover the mouse on value .
  • Check the cursor pointer when the user hover on value .
  • Check the font, size , spelling, design etc. 
  • if Scroll is there-
  • Check that the user is able to scroll the list through the mouse.
  • Verify that the user is able to scroll through the arrow key .
  • Check that the user is able to select the value from the list after scrolling .
  • Verify that the list gets scrolled automatically when the user presses any key from the keyboard .
Test Cases for Multiselect List box with checkbox
  • First Verify that dropdown is enabled or not.
  • Check that the checkbox is enabled or not.
  • Check that the user is able to select the value from the listbox.
  • Check that when the user tries to select the multiple values from the list.
  • Check that when the user selects more than one checkbox and deselect only one.
  • Check that all the values of listbox get checked when the user clicks on select all checkbox.
  • Check that all the selected values are getting unselected or not when the user uncheck the select all checkbox.
  • Check that listbox showing value as per CRS.
  • Check that the user is able to unselect the selected value from the listbox.
  • Check that value is getting changed or not when the user unselect the selected value and select another value from the list .
  • Check the Number of items displayed in the list without scroll.
  • Check that when the user tries to select the multiple values from the list.
  • check the color when the user hover the mouse on value .
  • Check the cursor pointer when the user hover on value .
  • Check the font, size , spelling, design etc.
  • A list box contains mainly 3part - a container box, a list of items, and a label. whereas a dropdown contains a container box, a downward-facing arrow button, a list of items, and a label.

Test Cases For Link

 Test Cases For Link

  • Tooltips text should be available and meaningful.

  •  Check whether all external links are opening in new window with proper URL

  • Test all internal links are navigating within application as per requirement

  •  Test links jumping on the same pages

  •  Check whether email address link opening the mail instance like outlook

  • Test to check if there are any blank page to link

  • Test Links opening in other tab /window as per requirement

  • Compatibility Testing for all links on other browser

  • Ensure that the color of links change after the page is visited once. (This can vary as per the design).

  • .Ensure that the link color is as per the specification.

  • Ensure that a hand icon is displayed when a mouse pointer is hovered over the link.

  •  Check loading time for internal links as per requirement

  • Check whether shared link is getting shared properly with correct address

  • Check whether shared link is getting opened properly

Test Cases For Email Id Field validation - Email Address Test Scenarios


Positive Test Cases for Email id field

  • Verify the field by entering a valid email address.

  • Verify the field With Email contains a dot in the address field

  • Verify With Email contains dot with subdomain

  • Verify that the email id filed With the Plus sign is considered a valid character.

  • Verify With the Square bracket around the IP address is considered valid.

  • Verify the email id filed With Quotes around the email is considered valid

  • Verify email id field With Digits in the address are valid

  • Verify email id With Digits in the address are valid

  • Verify the email id filed With Underscore in the address field is valid

  • Verify the email id filed With .name is valid Top Level Domain name

  • Verify With Dot in Top Level Domain name also considered valid (use as an example here)

  • Verify With Dash in the address field is valid

  • Negative Test Cases for the email id field

  • Verify the email id filed With the Missing @ sign and domain

  • Verify the email id text box With Garbage

  • Verify the email id filed With the Missing username

  • Verify the email address field With Encoded HTML within the email is invalid

  • Verify  the email id field With Missing @

  • Verify the email id filed With Two @ sign

  • Verify  the email id text box With the Leading dot in the address is not allowed

  • Verify the email id filed With a Trailing dot in the address is not allowed

  • Verify the email address field With Multiple dots

  • Verify the email id filed With Unicode char as the address

  • Verify  the email id text box With Text following email is not allowed

  • Verify the email id text box  With the Missing top-level domain (.com/.net/.org/etc)

  • Verify the email id filed With .web is not a valid top-level domain

  • Verify  the email id text box With an Invalid IP format

  • Verify  the email id text box With Multiple dots in the domain portion is invalid

List of Valid Email Addresses

A list of valid emails is given below.





  • email@

  • email@[]

  • "email"








  • List of Strange Valid Email Addresses

  • much.” more\ unusual”

  • very.unusual.”@”

  • very.”(),:;<>[]”.VERY.”very@\\ "very”

List of Invalid Email id /Address

A list of all invalid email id formats is given below 

  • plainaddress

  • #@%^%#$@#$


  • Joe Smith <>






  • あいうえお

  • (Joe Smith)

  • email@example


  • email@example.web

  • email@111.222.333.44444



  • List of Strange Invalid Email Addresses

  • ”(),:;<>[\]

  • just”not”

  • this\ is"really"not\

Thursday 23 February 2023

Test Cases for Mobile Number Field


  • Verify the mobile number text field by entering the valid 10-digit mobile number ie."9878775858".

  • Verify the mobile number field by entering the Less than 10 digits mobile number ie."898585858".

  • Verify the mobile number field by entering a more 10 digits mobile number ie."58585858585".

  • Verify the mobile number field by entering the blank space between the number ie."8585 85858"

  • Verify the mobile number text field by copying and pasting the mobile must be copied and pasted into the text box.

  • Verify the mobile number field by entering the 10 "Zero" in the text box ie."0000000000"

  • Verify the mobile number field by entering only 10 blank spaces.

  • Verify the mobile number field without entering any value.

  • Verify the mobile number field by entering the special character

  • Verify the mobile number field by entering the character value.

  • Verify the mobile number field by entering the "0" at the initial.

Other Test Cases For Mobile Number Text Box.(As per SRS)

  • Verify the asterisk symbol for the mobile number if the field is a mandatory field 

  • Verify the alert message when the user clicks on save without entering the value in the mobile number text box while it is a mandatory field.

  • Verify the alert message when the user enters the wrong data in the mobile number field.(Eg. Less mobile Number, mobile number with a character and special symbol, Blank field, etc.)

  • Verify the placeholder for the mobile number text box.