Test Cases For Password Field
- Check if the user can enter the password in the text box.
- Check if the user can paste the password in the field.
- Check the max char limit for the password fields.
- Check the min char limit for the password fields.
- Check if the entered password is visible or encrypted.
- Check if the password field allows blank spaces only.
- Check if the password field accepts alphabets.
- Check if the password field accepts numbers.
- Check if the password field accepts the lowercase and uppercase alphabets.
- Check if the password field accepts special characters.
- Check error message is displayed or not when the user clicks the submit button without entering any value in the password field. (Field is mandatory)
- Check based on the inputted password text; it should display the progress bar. (Weak, Medium & Strong)
- Check if the password view functionality is available so the user can see the entered password. (Eye visible on the right side of the password text box)
- Check on the Click eye icon entered password should be visible in a readable format.
- Check the asterisk symbol for the password field if it is mandatory.
Password Test Case Encryption
Almost every secure web app needs to have an encryption system. You should discuss the following scenarios while setting the requirement for the password field.
- Check if the system allows users to do md5 hashing.
- Check if the system does any form of encryption.
- Check if the system stores the password in plain text.
- Check if the system masks the password while typing.
- Check if the password stored in the database is encrypted.
- Check if the encryption is easy to decrypt using known tools.
- Test Cases for password and Confirm password
- Verify the password and confirm the password by entering the same value.
- Verify that when the user enters a confirm password it does not match the password
- Check that when the user enters the password it does not match to confirm the password.
- Check that when the user enters an only password and leaves the confirm password field blank.
- Check that the alert message shows or not when the user enters confirms a password which does not match to password.
- Check that the alert message shows or not when the user leaves the confirm password blank.