Test Cases of a Login Page
1. Verify that cursor is focused on “Username” text
box on the page load (login page)
2. Verify that the login screen contains elements such
as Username, Password, Sign in button, Remember password check box, Forgot
password link, and Create an account link.
3. Verify that tab functionality is working properly
or not
4. Verify that Enter/Tab key works as a substitute for
the Sign in button
5. Verify that all the fields such as Username,
Password has a valid placeholder
6. Verify that the labels float upward when the text
field is in focus or filled (In case of floating label)
7. Verify that User is able to Login with Valid
8. Verify that User is not able to Login
with invalid Username and invalid Password
9. Verify that User is not able to Login with Valid
Username and invalid Password
10. Verify that User is not able to Login
with invalid Username and Valid Password
11. Verify that User is not able to Login with blank
Username or Password
12. Verify that User is not able to Login with inactive
13. Verify that clicking on browser back button after
successful login should not take User to log out mode
14. Verify that clicking on browser back button after
successful logout should not take User to logged in mode
15. Verify that there is a limit on the total number of
unsuccessful login attempts (No. of invalid attempts should be based on
business logic. Based on the business logic, User will be asked to enter
captcha and try again or user will be blocked)
16. Verify that the password is in encrypted form when entered
17. Verify the password can be copy-pasted
18. Verify that encrypted characters in “Password”
field should not allow deciphering if copied
19. Verify that User should be able to login with the
new password after changing the password
20. Verify that User should not be able to login with
the old password after changing the password
21. Verify that spaces should not be allowed before any
password characters attempted
22. Verify that whether User is still logged in after
series of actions such as sign in, close browser and reopen the application.
23. Verify that the ways to retrieve the password if
the User forgets the password
24. Verify that “Remember password” checkbox is
unselected by default (depends on business logic, it may be selected or
25. Verify that “Keep me logged in” checkbox is
unselected by default (depends on business logic, it may be selected or
26. Verify that the timeout of the login session
(Session Timeout)
27. Verify that the logout link is redirected to
login/home page
28. Verify that User is redirected to appropriate page
after successful login
29. Verify that User is redirected to Forgot password
page when clicking on Forgot Password link
30. Verify that User is redirected to Create an account
page when clicking on Sign up / Create an account link
31. Verify that validation message is displayed in case
when User leaves Username or Password as blank
32. Verify that validation message is displayed in case
of exceeding the character limit of the Username and Password fields
33. Verify that validation message is displayed in case
of entering special character in the Username and password fields
34. Verify whether the login form is revealing any
security information by viewing page source
35. Verify that the login page is vulnerable to
SQL injection
36. Verify whether Cross-site scripting (XSS )
vulnerability work on a login page. XSS vulnerability may be used by hackers to
bypass access controls.
If there is a captcha on the login page (Test Cases for CAPTCHA):
37. Verify that whether there is a client-side
validation when User doesn’t enter CAPTCHA
38. Verify that the refresh link of CAPTCHA is
generating new CAPTCHA
39. Verify that the CAPTCHA is case sensitive
40. Verify whether the CAPTCHA has audio support to