Wednesday 1 May 2019

Drawbacks of Manual Testing:

Drawbacks of Manual Testing:

1) Manual Testing requires more time or more resources, some times both Time and Resources.
2) Less Accuracy
3) Performance testing is impractical in manual testing.
4) Comparing large amount of data is impractical.
5) Batch Testing is possible, but for each test execution Human user interaction is mandatory.
6) Manual Test Case scope is very less, if it is Automated test, scope is more.
7) Executing same tests again and again is time taking process as well as Tedious.
8) For every release you must rerun the same set of tests which can be tiresome.

Advantages of Manual Testing:
1)No Environment Limitations
2) Programming Knowledge is not required.
3) Recommendable for Dynamically changing GUI designs.
4) Manual testing allows for human observation, which may be more useful to find potential defects.