Sunday, 20 October 2024

ACCESSIBILITY Testing / ADA (American Disability Act) / 508 Compliance testing


Testing the application from the physically challenged person point of view.


For ex, Suppose if a blind person is accessing the Internet – the application should be in such a way that even the physically challenged person should be able to access it without any problems.

When a blind person clicks on anything – the response connected into voice & the person here as & uses it – Response sent should be easily read by the browser & commented in voice.


In the above example, whatever the respond is sent to the browser should be easily read – the application should be designed like that – the respond sent should be immediately connected into voice. Thus, the blind person can use it without facing any problem


Red & Green color should not be used


The 508 testing has got some rules that should be followed while developing the application. Some of the rules are,

ü  All comments should have Alt tags

ü  Red & Green color objects should not be displayed

ü  Should be able to access all components just by using keyboard.

Like this, there are many rules.

Usability Testing


Usability Testing:

Testing how easy or friendly the application is for the user to use is called Usability Testing.



Helps in identifying the functionalities in the software application where the user gets struck

or confused on what to do next.



1.       All the frequently used features or important features should come in the left or in the top navigation bar

2.       Text present in the application should be easy to understand. Complex terminology should not be used.

3.       Users should be able to find and access the components when required

       Finding search functionality and Frequently used features should be accessible easily

4.       User should be able to understand the purpose of using the software application

5.       Proper help message should be displayed wherever required

              Placeholder inside the form field

              Proper warning message should be displayed when the user made a mistake

                 Tool tips should be provided wherever it is required

6.       Look and feel of the application should make the user comfortable in using the application

7.       Navigate to every components of the application should be easy

8.       Can we make anything more easy or user-friendly

9.       Others

Too much white space should not be there

Logo should take to home page

Proper breadcrumbs should be providing


And many more