Sunday, 20 October 2024

ACCESSIBILITY Testing / ADA (American Disability Act) / 508 Compliance testing


Testing the application from the physically challenged person point of view.


For ex, Suppose if a blind person is accessing the Internet – the application should be in such a way that even the physically challenged person should be able to access it without any problems.

When a blind person clicks on anything – the response connected into voice & the person here as & uses it – Response sent should be easily read by the browser & commented in voice.


In the above example, whatever the respond is sent to the browser should be easily read – the application should be designed like that – the respond sent should be immediately connected into voice. Thus, the blind person can use it without facing any problem


Red & Green color should not be used


The 508 testing has got some rules that should be followed while developing the application. Some of the rules are,

ü  All comments should have Alt tags

ü  Red & Green color objects should not be displayed

ü  Should be able to access all components just by using keyboard.

Like this, there are many rules.