Verify the mobile number text field by entering the valid 10-digit mobile number ie."9878775858".
Verify the mobile number field by entering the Less than 10 digits mobile number ie."898585858".
Verify the mobile number field by entering a more 10 digits mobile number ie."58585858585".
Verify the mobile number field by entering the blank space between the number ie."8585 85858"
Verify the mobile number text field by copying and pasting the mobile must be copied and pasted into the text box.
Verify the mobile number field by entering the 10 "Zero" in the text box ie."0000000000"
Verify the mobile number field by entering only 10 blank spaces.
Verify the mobile number field without entering any value.
Verify the mobile number field by entering the special character
Verify the mobile number field by entering the character value.
Verify the mobile number field by entering the "0" at the initial.
Other Test Cases For Mobile Number Text Box.(As per SRS)
Verify the asterisk symbol for the mobile number if the field is a mandatory field
Verify the alert message when the user clicks on save without entering the value in the mobile number text box while it is a mandatory field.
Verify the alert message when the user enters the wrong data in the mobile number field.(Eg. Less mobile Number, mobile number with a character and special symbol, Blank field, etc.)
Verify the placeholder for the mobile number text box.